less clutter. more community.
I’m Megan, founder of bmore minimal. I’m committed to simplicity, efficiency, and sustainability in my Patterson Park home, and I love helping neighbors optimize their spaces.
I’m not one of those people who was just born organized. In fact, I used to be kind of a slob. Living in small spaces forced me to simplify my stuff, and I soon realized just how much I enjoyed living in a tidy, minimalist space.
Now I live in a rowhome in Baltimore City. There's enough space to live, to host friends and family, and yes, to store my favorite belongings, but not enough to accumulate mindlessly.
There's a sense of community, activity, and public space in the city that’s fulfilling, and it’s enough to curb my compulsion to buy contentment from the mall. My home is not particularly "organized" because it doesn't have to be; I don't keep enough stuff to warrant a complicated system of labeled files, bins, or baskets.
I studied education at Bucknell, University of Pennsylvania, and Danish Institute in Copenhagen, so I know how to design a “hygge” space that cultivates independence for kids (or childlike roommates!)
Yes, I’m ruthless about which belongings can stay in my home. That said, I actually LOVE things. Belongings can be beautiful, helpful, and imbued with memory and meaning. I'm drawn to wood, paper, leather, silver, ceramic, and glass. I keep enough potted plants and journals in my home to disqualify me as a minimalist in most circles. I love curating the equipment that will support the lifestyle I’m striving for, caring for the things I own, and evolving with intention.
That’s my husband, who’s very relieved that I now have an outlet for my love of decluttering that isn’t his collection of soccer jerseys. This photo shows one of our rare departures from our “life uniforms.”