HOT TIP // Set a Date

When we purchased our house last fall, we had loads of help with moving and unpacking. (Thank you all, again!) Within the first weekend of having the keys, the basic and essential equipment of our life (read: coffee maker) was unboxed and accessible.

However, the bedding for the guest room, the office supplies, the camping gear, etc., all languished in boxes. We didn’t need that stuff right away, so procrastination was a very attractive option.

So to prevent ourselves from living among boxes in perpetuity,  we planned a housewarming party three weeks from our closing date.

That held us accountable for getting our house in order in a big way, because we wanted our guests to be comfortable and at ease, not stepping over one moving box to find a seat on another.

I can’t just circle a date on the calendar and jot down something like “Deadline: House Organized!!” My future self will thoroughly ignore a wimpy little circle. My future self will not ignore the prospect of being self-conscious and embarrassed.

So, what project are you putting off?

Is your guest room/ office/ home gym combo a hot mess? Offer to host your in-laws next weekend. Are your kitchen drawers filled exclusively with ketchup packets? Plan a dinner party. Embarrassment is an excellent deterrent, so hack it to jumpstart an organization project.

P.S. For readers in the Patterson Park neighborhood, the annual home tour is on October 7th. Talk about an epic commitment. I’m offering a 25% discount on organizing sessions for those intrepid souls putting their homes on the tour. Book now.