HOT TIP // Audition

When we do some weeding of our wardrobes, the “absolutely yes” pile is returned to our closets and the “definitely no” pile is donated.  It’s that “hmm...maybe” pile that lingers, inspiring procrastination and avoidance if we’re not proactive.

I encourage clients to use the maybe pile sparingly and temporarily, but sometimes we truly don’t know if something should stay or go. We need more information, and the solution is the audition.

The audition is not just a try-on. It’s a try-out. We must wear those clothes out into the world and test drive them in our actual lives. As we go about our business in that outfit, we pay attention: Is it itchy? Is it constrictive? Are we self-conscious or fidgety or fussy?

I just auditioned a maybe-pile dress to a dinner party. The sleeves were too tight and the neckline was too low, and I spent the evening adjusting and squirming. That’s all the information I need to add it to the donations box. I auditioned a skirt for a day of running errands, pairing it with a pair of warm tights and a new sweater. Later I asked myself: how many times was I cognizant of my outfit today? The answer was zero, which is the best answer of all. That skirt is a keeper.

When we make our maybe pile audition for the few coveted spots in our closet, we make quick work of our initial indecision and curate a wardrobe of items we love to wear.